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I wrote a review of Profits vs. Preservation: How can shepherds balance the social and ecological costs of livestock grazing on Naxos? for World Development Perspectives. 

Our piece The World needs Wicked Scientists was published in American Scientist. Here is the abstract: Many problems facing humanity are so daunting they seem impossible to solve. Among these…

We published a short news article for Oryx about how insecurity in the Logone Floodplain in Cameroon has driven thousands of pastoralists to seek refuge in Waza National Park in Cameroon.

Our paper The danger of a single story about Fulani pastoralists is out in the journal Pastoralism. Our critical analysis focuses on a factsheet published by the United States…

New paper in Nature Climate Change on Climate Change Adaptation and Community Autonomy from an interdisciplinary team led by Anne Pisor. Here is short summary of the argument: Communities…

Doctoral candidate Chelsea Hunter has been awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation to support her dissertation research. Chelsea's…

I  also enjoyed mystery  conversation with Michael Cox on the In Common podcast about my work on open property regimes in pastoralist systems and about slow science.

I enjoyed my conversation with David Staley about my research on pastoralists and common-pool resources on the podcast Voices of Excellence, which is available on Soundcloud and…

Our paper Conservation overstretch and long-term decline of wildlife and tourism in the Central African savannas was published in Conservation Biology. Here is a short news item from…