Danger of a single story

April 3, 2022

Danger of a single story

Pastoralism cover.

Our paper The danger of a single story about Fulani pastoralists is out in the journal Pastoralism. Our critical analysis focuses on a factsheet published by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), but our critique applies also to other organizations and scholars writing about pastoralist and insecurity in West and Central Africa. We argue that there are three major problems with the factsheet: (1) a methodological problem of a selective reading of limited data, mostly anecdotes from a small number of cases that represent a sampling bias; (2) the social construction of “the Fulani” as a single ethnic group is used to structure the analysis of violence and insecurity in the region; (3) and that the single story about Fulani pastoralists does not contribute to solving the problem of violence and insecurity across West and Central Africa and may contribute to furthering these conflicts. Thanks to my co-author Mamediarra Mbacke, an undergraduate researcher in anthropology, for helping with data analysis and management.