
Email me for copies of the publications below. Critical feedback is always welcome.
You can also find my publications on ResearchGate.


Moritz, Mark, Jasmine E. Bruno, Daniel J. Murphy, María E. Fernández-Giménez, and Nikolaus Schareika. 2025. Transformations in Livestock Systems: Beyond Ranching and Pastoralism. Agricultural and Human Values. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-025-10711-6.


Moritz, Mark, Chelsea E. Hunter, and Paul Scholte. 2024. Reflooding the coupled human and natural system of the Waza-Logone Floodplain, Cameroon, Frontiers in Conservation Science. 5:1384747. DOI: 10.3389/fcosc.2024.1384747.

Moritz, Mark. 2024. Transhumance. Oxford Bibliographies of Anthropology. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199766567-0301.

Moritz, Mark, Daniel Peart, Chelsea Hunter, and Ian Hamilton. (2024) Agent-Based Modeling as a Qualitative Research Method in The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors, edited by A. Ruth, A. Wutich, and H.R. Bernard. Oxford, England: Routledge. PP 323-325. DOI: 10.4324/9781003213277-79

Beresford, Melissa, Lucero Radonic, Mark Moritz, and Mehrnaz Moghaddam. 2024. Methods Training for Practicing Anthropologists: The NSF CAMP Approach. Practicing Anthropology 46 (2):115-118.

Johnson, Jeffrey C., Susan Weller, Jeffrey Snodgrass, Mark Moritz, Christopher McCarty, Alyssa Crittenden, Francois Dengah, James K. Gibb, and Robin Nelson. 2024. How Teaching Research Design Advances Applied Anthropology. Practicing Anthropology 46 (2):94-96.

Nelson, Robin G., Mark Moritz, Rosalyn Negrón, William Dressler, and Alexandra Brewis. 2024. Facilitating Exchanges Between Applied & Academic Anthropologists: Working Together on Methods Innovations. Practicing Anthropology 46 (2):131-133.


Moritz, Mark, Chelsea E. Hunter, Daniel C. Peart, Abigail Buffington, Andrew J. Yoak, Jason R. Thomas, Rebecca Garabed, and Ian M. Hamilton. 2023. Coupled demographic dynamics of herds and households constrain livestock population growth in pastoral systems. Human Ecology: 51(4): 641-653.

Moritz, Mark, Benjamin Cross, Chelsea E. Hunter. 2023. Artificial Pastoral Systems: A Review of Agent-Based Modeling Studies of Pastoral Systems. Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice: 13: 31.


Moritz, Mark and Nicholas C. Kawa. 2022. The world needs wicked scientists. American Scientist 110 (July-August): 212-217.

Scholte, Paul, Saïdou Kari, and Mark Moritz. 2022. Thousands of pastoralists seek refuge in Waza National Park, Cameroon. Oryx 56 (3):330. 10.1017/S0030605322000217.

Moritz, Mark and Mamediarra Mbacke. 2022. The danger of a Single Story about Fulani Pastoralists. Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice. 12(14):10 10.1186/s13570-021-00227-z

Moritz, Mark. 2022 Of Platforms and Pastoralists, commentary for World Development Perspectives 27 (x): xx-xxx. 10.1016/j.wdp.2022.100423.

Alissa Ruth, Katherine Mayfour, Jessica Hardin, Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Amber Wutich, H. Russell Bernard, Alexandra Brewis, Melissa Beresford, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, H.J. François Dengah, Clarence C. Gravlee, Greg Guest, Krista Harper, Pardis Mahdavi, Siobhán M. Mattison, Mark Moritz, Rosalyn Negrón, Barbara A. Piperata, Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, Rebecca Zarger. 2022 Teaching Ethnographic Methods: The State of the Art. Human Organization. 81 (4): 401–412. 10.17730/1938-3525-81.4.401

Pisor, Anne C., Xavier Basurto, Kristina G. Douglass, Katharine J. Mach, Elspeth Ready, Jason M. Tylianakis, Ashley Hazel, Michelle A. Kline, Karen L. Kramer, J. Stephen Lansing, Mark Moritz, Paul E. Smaldino, Thomas F. Thornton, James Holland Jones. 2022. Effective climate-change adaptation means supporting community autonomy. Nature Climate Change. 12, pages 213–215. 10.1038/s41558-022-01303-x


Schareika, Nikolaus, Christopher Brown, Mark Moritz. 2021. Critical Transitions from Pastoralism to Ranching in Central Africa. Current Anthropology, 62(1):53-76. 10.1086/713248

Kawa, Nicholas C. , Mark Anthony Arceño, Ryan Goeckner, Chelsea E. Hunter, Steven J. Rhue, Shane A. Scaggs, Matthew E. Biwer, Sean S. Downey, Julie S. Field, Kristen Gremillion, Joy McCorriston, Anna Willow, Elizabeth Newton, and Mark Moritz. 2021. Training Wicked Scientists for a World of Wicked Problems. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 8(1):4. 10.1057/s41599-021-00871-1

Scholte, Paul, Olivier Pays, Saleh Adam, Bertrand Chardonnet, Herve Fritz, Jean-Baptiste Mamang, Herbert H.T. Prins, Pierre-Cyril Renaud, Patrick Tadjo, Mark Moritz. 2021. Conservation overstretch and long-term decline of wildlife and tourism in the Central African savannas. Conservation Biology. x(x):xx-xxx.


Moritz, Mark, Shane Scaggs, Craig Shapiro, Sarah Hinkelman. 2020. Comparative Study of Territoriality across Forager Societies. Human Ecology 48(2):225-234. 10.1007/s10745-020-00141-9

Lawrence Ball, Douglas MacMillan, Joseph Tzanopoulos, Andrew Spalton, Hadi Al Hikmani, and Mark Moritz. 2020. Contemporary Pastoralism in the Dhofar Mountains of Oman. Human Ecology 48(3):267-277. 10.1007/s10745-020-00153-5

Shastry, Apoorva Michael Durand; Jeffrey Neal; Alfonso Fernández; Sui Chian Phang; Brandon Mohr; Hahn Chul Jung; Saïdou Kari; Mark Moritz; Bryan Mark; Sarah Laborde; Asmita Murumkar; Ian Hamilton. 2020. Small-scale anthropogenic changes impact floodplain hydraulics: simulating the effects of fish canals on the Logone Floodplain. Journal of Hydrology, 588(2020):125035. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125035.

Murumkar, Asmita, Michael Durand, Alfonso Fernández, Mark Moritz, Bryan Mark, Ian Hamilton, Sui C Phang, Sarah Laborde, Apoorva Shastry, Paul Scholte. 2020. Trends and Spatial Patterns of 20th century Temperature, Rainfall and PET in the semi-arid Logone River Basin, Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 178(104168). 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104168


Moritz, Mark, Elizabeth Gardiner, Mark Hubbe, Amber L. Johnson. 2019. A Comparative Study of Pastoral Property Regimes in Africa offers no support for Economic Defensibility Model, Current Anthropology, 60(5)609-636.
Moritz, Mark, Paul Scholte, Ian M. Hamilton, and Saïdou Kari. 2019. Open Access, Open Systems: Pastoral Resource Management in the Chad Basin. In Global Perspectives on Long Term Community Resource Management, edited by L. R. Lozny and T. H. McGovern. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Pp. 165-187. (This is an updated version of our 2013 paper in Human Ecology).
Moritz, Mark Victoria Garcia, Abigail Buffington, Mouadjamou Ahmadou. 2019. Pastoralist Refugee Crisis tests the Resilience of Open Property Regime in the Logone Floodplain, Cameroon. Land Use Policy. 86(2019):31-42. 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.04.028.
Laborde, Sarah, Sui Chian Phang, and Mark Moritz. 2019. Adapting to the Challenges of International and Interdisciplinary Research of Coupled Human and Natural Systems. In Collaboration Across Boundaries for Interdisciplinary Environmental Systems Science: Experiences Around the World, edited by S. G. Perz: Palgrave. 79-114.
Pomeroy, Laura W., Mark Moritz, Rebecca Garabed. 2019. Network analyses of transhumance movements indicate that they alone cannot maintain endemic foot-and-mouth disease among mobile pastoralists in Cameroon. Epidemics. 28:100334. 10.1016/j.epidem.2019.02.005.
Pomeroy, Laura W., Hyeyoung Kim, Ningchuan Xiao, Mark Moritz, Rebecca Garabed. 2019. Network analyses to quantify effects of host movement in multilevel disease transmission models using foot and mouth disease in Cameroon as a case study. PLoS Computational Biology. 15(8): e1007184.

Schnell, Patrick M., Yibo Shao, Laura Pomeroy, Joseph Tien, Mark Moritz, Rebecca Garabed. 2019. Modeling the role of carrier and mobile herds on foot-and-mouth disease virus endemicity in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Epidemics. 29:100355. 10.1016/j.epidem.2019.100355.


Moritz, Mark, Roy Behnke, Christine M. Beitl, Rebecca Bliege Bird, Rafael Morais Chiaravalloti, Julia K. Clark, Stefani A. Crabtree, Sean S. Downey, Ian M. Hamilton, Sui Chian Phang, Paul Scholte, James Wilson. 2018. Emergent Sustainability in Open Property Regimes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 115 (51):12859. 10.1073/pnas.1812028115
Miranda R Bertram, Carla Bravo de Rueda, Rebecca Garabed, Simon Dickmu Jumbo, Mark Moritz, Steven Pauszek, Souley Abdoulkadiri, Luis L Rodriguez, Jonathan Arzt. 2018. Investigating Effects of Transboundary Animal Movement on the Molecular Epidemiology of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, section Veterinary Infectious Diseases 5(320):1-14. 10.3389/fvets.2018.00320.

Laborde, Sarah, Sui Chian Phang, Mouadjamou Ahmadou, Nathaniel Henry, Alfonso Fernández, Michael Durand, Ian M. Hamilton, Saïdou Kari, Aboukar Mahamat, Bryan Mark, Paul Scholte, Apoorva Shastry, Roland Ziebe, and Mark Moritz. 2018. Co‐producing research in the “Red Zone”: Adaptation to fieldwork constraints with a transdisciplinary approach. The Geographical Journal. 184(4):369-383. 10.1111/geoj.12264.

Fernández, Alfonso, Mohammad Reza Najafi, Michael Durand, Bryan G. Mark, Mark Moritz, Hahn Chul Jung, Jeffrey Neal, Apoorva Shastry, Sarah Laborde, Sui Chian Phang, Ian M. Hamilton, and Ningchuan Xiao. 2018. Corrigendum to ’Testing the skill of numerical hydraulic modeling to simulate spatiotemporal flooding patterns in the Logone floodplain, Cameroon’ [Journal of Hydrology, volume 539 (2016) 265-280]. Journal of Hydrology 562:833-834.

Laborde, Sarah, Aboukar Mahamat, Mark Moritz. 2018. The Interplay of top-down planning and adaptive self-organization in an African Floodplain. Human Ecology. 46(2):171-182. doi:10.1007/s10745-018-9977-y

Oruganti, Pallavi, Rebecca Garabed, Mark Moritz. 2018. Hunters' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices towards Wildlife Diseases in Ohio. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 23(4):329-340.

Pennaz, Alice Kelly, Mouadjamou Ahmadou, Mark Moritz, Paul Scholte. 2018. Not seeing the cattle for the elephants: The implications of discursive linkages between Boko Haram and wildlife poaching in Waza National Park, Cameroon, Conservation and Society. 16(2):125-135. DOI: 10.4103/cs.cs_16_153

Moreno-Torres, Karla, Devinn Sinnott, Barbara Wolfe, Mark Moritz, William Saville, Antoinette Marsh, Rebecca Garabed. 2018. Risk of environmental exposure to small coccidia from wild canid feces in rural Ohio. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 79(11):1179-1187. DOI: 10.2460/ajvr.79.11.1179


Moritz, Mark, Abigail Buffington, Andrew Yoak, Ian M. Hamilton, Rebecca Garabed. 2017. No magic number: An examination of the herd-size threshold in pastoral systems using agent-based modeling, Human Ecology, 45(4): 525-532.
Karla Moreno-Torres, Laura W. Pomeroy, Mark Moritz, William Saville, Barbara Wolfe, Rebecca Garabed, Host Species Heterogeneity in the Epidemiology of Neospora caninum, PLoS ONE 12(8): e0183900.
Moritz, Mark, 2017. Misreading a pastoral property regime in the Logone Floodplain, Cameroon. Ecology and society 22(1):13.

Vougat Ngom, Ronald Romuald B., Tiédja Tomdieu, Roland Ziébé, Harquin Simplice Foyet, Mark Moritz, Lazare Vondou, Dwayne E. Schrunk, Paula M. Imerman, Wilson K. Rumbeiha, and Rebecca B. Garabed. 2017. Quality of veterinary pharmaceuticals and their use by pastoralists in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Pastoralism 7 (1):6.

Pomeroy, L. W., S. Bansal, M. Tildesley, K. I. Moreno-Torres, M. Moritz, N. Xiao, T. E. Carpenter, and R. B. Garabed. 2017. Data-Driven Models of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Dynamics: A Review. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 64(3):716-728. 10.1111/tbed.12437.


Jessica Healy Profitos, Barbara Piperata, Mark Moritz, Jiyoung Lee, Rebecca Garabed Michael Gundich, Arabi Mouhaman, Mouadjamou Ahmadou, Seungjun Lee. 2016. One Health Research in Cameroon: A Critical Role for Anthropologists. Practicing Anthropology. 38(4):27-30.PDF
Moritz, Mark. 2016. Open Property Regimes. International Journal of the Commons, 10(2):688-708.

Laborde, Sarah, Alfonso Fernandez, Sui Chian Phang, Ian M. Hamilton, Nathaniel Henry, Hahn Chul Jung, Aboukar Mahamat, Mouazamou Ahmadou, Bruno Labara, Saidou Kari, Michael Durand, Bryan Mark, Ningchuan Xiao, Roland Ziebe and Mark Moritz. 2016. Social-ecological feedbacks lead to unsustainable lock-in in an inland fishery. Global Environmental Change, 41 (November 2016):13-25.

Alfonso Fernández, Mohammad Reza Najafi, Michael Durand, Bryan G. Mark, Mark Moritz, Jeffrey Neal, Apoorva Shastry, Sarah Laborde, Sui Chang Phang, Ian M. Hamilton, and Ningchuan Xiao, 2016. Testing the skill of numerical hydraulic modeling to simulate spatiotemporal flooding patterns in the Logone floodplain, Cameroon. Journal of Hydrology, 539(2016):265-280.

Hyeyoung Kim, Ningchuan Xiao, Mark Moritz, Rebecca Garabed, Laura Pomeroy. 2016. Simulating the transmission of foot-and-mouth disease among mobile herds in the Far North Region, Cameroon, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19(2):6. 10.18564/jasss.3064.

Moritz, Mark, Sarah Laborde, Sui Chian Phang, Mouazamou Ahmadou, Michael Durand, Alfonso Fernandez, Ian M. Hamilton, Saïdou Kari, Bryan Mark, Paul Scholte, Ningchuan Xiao, Roland Ziebe. 2016. Studying the Logone floodplain, Cameroon as a Coupled Human and Natural System. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 41(1):99-108. 10.2989/16085914.2016.1143799.

Jasper van Vliet, Peter H. Verburg, Nick Magliocca, Erle C. Ellis, Bianka Buchner, Elizabeth Cook, José M. Rey Beneyas, Andreas Heinimann, Eric Keys, Tien Ming Lee, Jianguo Liu, Ole Mertz, Patrick Meyfroidt, Mark Moritz, Brian E. Robinson, Ralf Seppelt. 2015. Meta-studies in land system science. Ambio. 45(1):15-28. doi:10.​1007/​s13280-015-0699-8

Ludi, A., Z. Ahmed, L. W. Pomeroy, S. Pauszek, G. Smoliga, M. Moritz, S. Dickmu, S. Abdoulkadiri, J. Arzt, R. Garabed and L. Rodriguez. 2016. Serotype Diversity of Foot-and-Mouth-Disease Virus in Livestock Without History of Vaccination in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Transboundary and Emerging Disease.63(1):27-38 10.1111/tbed.12227.


Ningchuan Xiao, Shanshan Cai, Mark Moritz, Rebecca Garabed, Laura Pomeroy. 2015. Spatial and temporal characteristics of pastoral mobility in the Far North Region, Cameroon: Data analysis and modeling. PlosOne 10(7): e0131697.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131697

Moritz, Mark, Ian M. Hamilton, Andrew J. Yoak, Paul Scholte, Jeff Cronley, Paul Maddock, Hongyang Pi. 2015.  Simple Movement Rules result in Ideal Free Distribution of Mobile Pastoralists. Ecological Modelling. 305:54-63. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.03.010

Moritz, Mark, Sara Handa, Yu-Jen Chen. 2015. Herding Contracts and Pastoral Mobility in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Human Ecology. 43(1):141-151. 10.1007/s10745-015-9732-6


Carothers, Courtney, Mark Moritz, Rebecca Zarger. 2014. Introduction: Conceptual, Methodological, Practical, and Ethical Challenges in Studying and Applying Indigenous Knowledge. Ecology and Society. 19(4):3. 10.5751/ES-07212-190443.

Healy Profitós, Jessica, Arabi Mouhaman, Seungjun Lee, Rebecca Garabed, Mark Moritz, Barbara Piperata, Joe Tien, Michael Bisesi, Jiyoung Lee. 2014. Muddying the Waters: A New Area of Concern for Drinking Water Contamination in Developing Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 11:12454-12472.  10.3390/ijerph111212454

Moritz, Mark, Ian M. Hamilton, Paul Scholte, Yu-Jen Chen. 2014. Ideal Free Distributions of Mobile Pastoralists within Multiple Seasonal Grazing Areas. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 67(6):641-649. PDF.

Moritz, Mark, Ian M. Hamilton, Yu-Jen Chen, Paul Scholte. 2014. Mobile pastoralists in the Logone Floodplain distribute themselves in an Ideal Free Distribution. Current Anthropology. 55(1):115-122. PDF.


Nathan F. Sayre, Ryan R. J. McAllister, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer, Mark Moritz, Matthew D. Turner. 2013. Earth Stewardship on Rangelands: Coping with Ecological, Economic, and Political Marginality. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 11(7): 348–354. 10.1890/120333

Moritz, Mark, Larissa Bebisse, Albert K. Drent, Saïdou Kari, Arabi Mouhaman, Paul Scholte 2013. Rangeland Governance in an Open System: Protecting Transhumance Corridors in the Far North Province of Cameroon. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. 3(26).  10.1186/10.1186/2041-7136-3-26.

Moritz, Mark, Paul Scholte, Ian M. Hamilton and Saïdou Kari. (2013). Open Access, Open Systems: Pastoral Management of Common-Pool Resources in the Chad Basin. Human Ecology. 41(3):351-365. 10.1007/s10745-012-9550-z and PDF.

Moritz, Mark (2013). Livestock Transfers, Risk Management, and Human Careers in a West African Pastoral System. Human Ecology. 41(2):205-219. 10.1007/s10745-012-9546-8 and ">PDF.

Healy Profitós, Jessica, Mark Moritz, and Rebecca B. Garabed. (2013). What to do with chronically sick animals? Pastoralists' Management Strategies in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 3:8. doi:10.1186/2041-7136-3-8

Moritz, Mark, Daniel Ewing, and Rebecca B. Garabed. (2013). On Not Knowing Zoonotic Diseases: Pastoralists' Ethnoveterinary Knowledge in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Human Organization. 72(1):1-11. View abstract and PDF.


Moritz, Mark. (2012). Pastoral Intensification in West Africa: Implications for Sustainability. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 18(2):418-438. View abstract and PDF.

Moritz, Mark. (2012). Individualization of Livestock Ownership in Fulbe Family Herds: The Effects of Pastoral Intensification and Islamic Renewal. In Who owns the stock? Collective and multiple forms of property in animals. A. Khazanov and G. Schlee, eds. Pp. 193-214. Oxford: Berghahn. PDF

Moritz, Mark, Zachary Galehouse, Qian Hao, Rebecca Garabed. (2012). Can One Animal Represent an Entire Herd? Modeling Pastoral Mobility using GPS/GIS Technology. Human Ecology. 40(4):623-630. View abstract and PDF.


Moritz, Mark, and Paul Scholte. (2011). Ethical Predicaments: Advocating security for mobile pastoralists in weak states. Anthropology Today. 27(3):12-17. PDF

Moritz, Mark, Julia Giblin, Miranda Ciccone, Andrea Davis, Jesse Fuhrman, Masoumeh Kimiaie, Stephanie Madzsar, Kyle Olson, and Matthew Senn. (2011). Social Risk Management Strategies in Pastoral Systems: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Cross-Cultural Research 45(3):286-317. PDF

Moritz, Mark, Kristen K. Ritchey, and Saïdou Kari. (2011). The Social Context of Herding Contracts in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Journal of Modern African Studies 49(2):263-285. PDF

Jung, Hahn Chul, Doug Alsdorf, Mark Moritz, Hyongki Lee, and Sara Vassolo. (2011). Analysis of the relationship between flooding area and water height in the Logone floodplain. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36(7-8):232-240. PDF


Moritz, Mark, Eric Soma, Paul Scholte, Ningchuan Xiao, Todd Juran, Leah Taylor, and Saïdou Kari. (2010). An Integrated Approach to Modeling Grazing Pressure in Pastoral Systems: The Case of the Logone Floodplain (Cameroon). Human Ecology 38(6):775-789. PDF

Moritz, Mark. (2010). Understanding Herder-Farmer Conflicts in West Africa: Outline of an Analytical Approach. Human Organization 69(2):138-148. PDF

Moritz, Mark. (2010). Crop-livestock interactions in agricultural and pastoral systems in West Africa. Agriculture and Human Values. 27(2):119-128. PDF


Moritz, Mark, Britney Kyle, Kevin C. Nolan, Steve Patrick, Marnie F. Shaffer, and Gayatri Thampy. (2009). Too Many people and Too Few Livestock in West Africa? An Evaluation of Sandford's Thesis. Journal of Development Studies 45(7):1-21. PDF


Moritz, Mark. (2008). A critical examination of honor cultures and herding societies in Africa. African Studies Review 51(2):99-117. PDF

Moritz, Mark. (2008). Competing paradigms in pastoral development? A perspective from the Far North of Cameroon. World Development 36(11):2243-2254. PDF


Moritz, Mark. (2006). The Politics of Permanent Conflict: Farmer-Herder Conflicts in the Far North of Cameroon. Canadian Journal of African Studies 40(1):101-126. PDF

Moritz, Mark. (2006). Changing Contexts and Dynamics of Farmer-Herder Conflicts across West Africa. Canadian Journal of African Studies 40(1):1-40. (Introduction to special issue for which I was guest editor). PDF

Scholte, Paul, Saïdou Kari, Mark Moritz, and Herbert Prins. (2006). Pastoralists' Responses to Floodplain Rehabilitation in Northern Cameroon. Human ecology 34(1):27-51. PDF


Moritz, Mark. (2005). FulBe Pastoralists and the Neo-Patrimonial State in the Chad Basin. Geography Research Forum. 25:83-104. PDF


Moritz, Mark, Paul Scholte, and Saïdou Kari. (2002). The demise of the nomadic contract: arrangements and rangelands under pressure in the Far North of Cameroon. Nomadic Peoples 6(1):124-143. PDF

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