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Social Network Analysis of Disaster Response, Recovery, and Adaptation

September 27, 2016

Social Network Analysis of Disaster Response, Recovery, and Adaptation

Book cover.

A new edited volume Social Network Analysis of Disaster Response, Recovery, and Adaptation by Eric Jones and A.J. Faas just came out, with my chapter on networks and hazard adaptation among West African pastoralists. It is a revision of a paper that was published earlier in Human Ecology. Here is a description of the book: Social Network Analysis of Disaster Response, Recovery, and Adaptation covers systematic social network analysis and how people and institutions function in disasters, after disasters, and the ways they adapt to hazard settings. As hazards become disasters, the opportunities and constraints for maintaining a safe and secure life and livelihood become too strained for many people. Anecdotally, and through many case studies, we know that social interactions exacerbate or mitigate those strains, necessitating a concerted, intellectual effort to understand the variation in how ties within, and outside, communities respond and are affected by hazards and disasters.