September 20, 2012
East African Pastoralism Under Stress: Threats to Livestock, Land, and Way of Life
The Department of Anthropology and the Center for African Studies present East African Pastoralism Under Stress: Threats to Livestock, Land, and Way of Life by Dr. Elliot Fratkin, Professor at Smith College.
Friday, October 5th, 2012 at 10:30AM in 115 Ramseyer Hall (with a reception in 4012 Smith Laboratory following the lecture)
The central focus of Dr. Fratkin’s research is development and social change among the nomadic Ariaal pastoralists of northern Kenya, including a three-year study that examined the health and nutrition effects of settling on the Ariaal and Rendille people. His research directly informs his courses, including “Africa: Population, Environment, and Health” and seminars on the NGOs, Health issues in Africa, and Traditional Medicine.. He has held Fulbrights at the University of Asmara, Eritrea (2002-2003) and Hawassa University, Ethiopia (2011-2012) and has served as a consultant with the World Bank Inspection Panel on the building of the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline and the India Coal Sector Environmental & Social Mitigation Project. In addition to his position at Smith, he is a member of the Graduate Faculty at UMass-Amherst and editor of the African Studies Review.